All you need to know about Bulk SMS Marketing.

The world of communication has revolutionized from the discovery and invention of a mobile phone to the internet-driven digital era that we are living in right now. Communicating with someone living in a different part of the world is no longer an issue to worry about. With so many technological advancements made in the field of communication, the world has reduced to the size of a global village.

Even after the huge leaps of instant messaging services based on the internet, SMS still plays a major role in communicating locally and internationally. It is no wonder that Bulk SMS Marketing has proved to be a great marketing tool for a majority of businesses worldwide.

What is Bulk SMS Marketing?

Bulk SMS Marketing is the dissemination of SMS messages in a large quantity for delivery to a number of recipients via an SMS Gateway. This enables the brand to reach out to a large audience within a very short duration of time and is known to be the most effective method of digital mobile marketing despite being faced with the test of time and improvements in technology.

Why use Bulk SMS Marketing?

No matter how many platforms for messaging have been launched, SMS retains the place of being the most effective channel for mobile marketing with an impressive open rate of 98% within 3 minutes of receiving the message. Several studies have been done which suggest that SMS messages are more likely to be opened than an email and on average, senders receive a response to their SMS, if necessary, within 90 seconds of sending the same. Apart from all this, the following factors make it one of the most effective tools in mobile marketing strategies used worldwide.

  • Cost-Effective and High ROI:

      SMS Marketing is highly cost-effective and provides a high return on the low investment made.
  • Quick Customer Engagement:

    • It ensures fast delivery to a large volume of audience within a matter of seconds making it highly scalable for any business. It also builds customers’ loyalty.
  • Suitable for all types of businesses:

    • SMS Marketing can be used for businesses of all sizes, both locally and globally whether it is an E-commerce business or a physical store, banks, or travel companies.
  • Provides real-time delivery report:

    • This channel ensures full delivery and provides a real-time delivery report, letting the business know how it works ensuring transparency to provide the best results.
  • Reliable:

    • SMS Marketing is one of the most reliable mobile marketing channels with an open rate of almost 98% much more than the average opening rate of emails which is around 20%.
  • Can be easily integrated with other marketing channels:

    • This is one type of channel which works best with other marketing tools that a firm uses as part of its marketing strategy.

No matter which industry you work in, Bulk SMS is a powerful tool for marketing that can be included in your overall marketing strategy to get highly scalable results. It can be used for a variety of purposes depending on the requirements of your business and can also be combined with A2P SMS for sending out alerts, reminders, etc. It helps you reach your customers on the device that they use the most without having to worry about the location or the literacy level of your customer which makes it the most ideal way to connect and reach out to your customers.


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